Development and management of for pleasure craft have been organized since the “coastal” law.
The berths thus created are intended for seasonal parking and for accommodating boaters who are unable to find space in the harbors during the summer months.
For their part, users have a more varied offering, also corresponding to a different type of boating.
The commune of Porto Vecchio has been part of this approach since 2002. Following public consultation in 2003, the Santa Giulia organized anchorage was officially created by arrêté inter préfectoral n° 04-661 du 23 avril 2004.
In March 2007, the municipality selected Aztech Marine to set up and manage the zone.
The mooring became operational in May 2007.
Installation with alternative anchors Manta Ray® alternative anchors anchors, with the expertise and advice of JLD International.
All moorings are levitated, with no elements in contact with the seabed.
Access to and use of buoys are governed by a set of police regulations and rules of use .
Think about Eco-gestures and respect signposting of the commune.